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Levi's Unearths Relic From Web Design Past

What better way to pay tribute to the nostalgic quality of Levi's new Copper Jeans (whose copper rivets and asymmetrical hand-sewn seams hearken back to the earliest jean design) than by digging up a relic from the history of web design? That's exactly what OgilvyOne/Singapore did in resurrecting HTML for its masterful Copper Jeans site. Separate sections for men and women are each designed as one big expansive web page, entreating visitors to scroll up, down, left and right to discover hidden goodies buried in the dirt alongside a pair of the newly discovered jeans. Those goodies include written descriptions of the jeans' unique features (using those classic pull-down menus we all know and love), rocks that reveal pieces of copper-related trivia, a "Dishing the Dirt" feature that lets you bury messages on the site for friends to unearth, and even a way to try on the jeans by downloading a life-sized PDF pair—all in a refreshingly simple design that stands out among the Flash animated masses. (AdCritic, Feb. 28, 2007)



X(旧ツイッター)が「Google Ad Manager」を使用して広告在庫の一部を販売するようだ。「ads.txt」に「google.com」が追加された。 X turns to Google to sell programmatic ads as it struggles to regain ad dollars https://adage.com/article/digital-marketing-ad-tech-news/x-turns-google-programmatic-ads-timeline/2515981


電通グループがフラーに出資し、フラーは電通グループの持分法適用関連会社に。また、電通デジタルとフラーは業務提携。 フラー、電通グループと資本業務提携を締結し、 モバイルDXの推進に向け電通デジタルとの協業を加速 https://www.fuller-inc.com/news/2024/06/partnership-dentsu フラー社との業務提携を締結し新たなモバイルアプリ市場を創造 https://www.dentsudigital.co.jp/news/release/services/2024-0621-000165


GPによると、ユーチューブは「ながら視聴」されやすいため広告が注視されづらい。耳だけで聴取されやすい長尺ビデオは、広告管理画面上で視聴率(=視聴回数÷表示回数)が高めになっていて、実際の視聴実態と乖離しているという。 https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000137.000006798.html