シンフォニーの記事広告。ソーシャルメディアに注目すべき理由がまとめられたホワイトペーパーをダウンロードできる。ソーシャルメディアにおけるネガティブな意見をいち早く見つけて対応すべきという次のメッセージが、シンフォニーのセールスにもっとも有効かも。 ------------------------------ Robert Scoble, author of the book "Naked Conversations" and former Microsoft technology evangelist, told Communications World he stays on top of consumer discussions so he can immediately respond to incorrect information. "Somebody can post something totally false about you. But you can come to that story right away and answer it and kill a rumor before it turns into a New York Times article. Once it is printed in the Times, people think it must be true." ------------------------------