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Call for Marketers - Landmark XMO$ Studies

The Cross Media Optimization Study (XMO$) simultaneously measures online and offline advertising in the same campaign to determine the optimal mix and weight of each medium. This landmark research, recognized for international research excellence by the European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research (ESOMAR) provides actionable results on how marketers can increase their branding and sales impact.

Recently, the ANA (Association of National Advertisers), ARF (Advertising Research Foundation) and IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) came together to offer a select group of marketers the unique opportunity to participate in a NEW sales and branding XMO$ study.

Participating marketers will gain the benefit of industry leading marketing analysis and media mix modeling. Find out what works and what doesn't!

There are currently a few spots open for marketers involved in Financial Services, Pharmaceutical, as well as those marketers who are targeting the Hispanic Market. To participate in XMO$, or for more information, contact doron@iab.net.



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