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ニューメディアエイジの記事「Coke drops campaign sites in favour of social media」からの引用と抄訳。
Coca-Cola will position its official Facebook and YouTube pages as the lead online channels for upcoming international activity for its Coke Zero and Fanta brands, new media age understands.
Prinz Pinakatt, the Coca-Cola Company's interactive marketing manager for Europe, said, "In some cases some of our campaigns won't need a coke.com-hosted site. In most cases these will still exist as it's the most obvious destination for a consumer, but it might only be a page linking to YouTube encouraging people to join the community there."
"We would like to place our activities and brands where people are, rather than dragging them to our platform," Pinakatt added.
Unilever is also abandoning campaign sites in favour of long-term community engagement platforms.
Cheryl Calverley, Unilever UK's senior global manager for Axe Skin, said, "You'll see fewer brands creating a site for one campaign and then throwing it away. Certainly we won't do that at Unilever any more."
"It's natural online to go to the place where people are already consuming media," she added. "It's less effort to ask people to leave an environment they're already in."



日本コカ・コーラ「ジョージア」が、写真から音楽付きの歌詞とジャケット画像を生成する「AIソングメーカー」を公開。 AIソングメーカー https://mydrabu.georgia.jp/song/ アップロードしてみた写真 生成されたAIソング https://www.coca-cola.com/jp/ja/media-center/news-20240226-11


アサヒビール「クリアアサヒ」が地上波のテレビ広告にQRコードを表示。通常の地上波のテレビ広告でQRコードを表示する例は珍しいのではないか。 https://www.asahibeer.co.jp/news/2023/0413_2.html パナソニックも、昨年に同じような取り組み。 https://news.panasonic.com/jp/topics/204722