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Visa Uses Flickr Photos for 'Life Takes'

Visa has kicked off the Web advertising portion of its "Life takes Visa" campaign with ads that feature everyday snapshots from Yahoo photo-sharing service Flickr.
The interactive ad campaign, created by San Francisco independent AKQA, includes several banner ad executions with the "Life takes Visa" tagline on shots of everyday life culled from Flickr. AKQA contacted the creators to gain permission to use the photos in the campaign.
In one online ad, "Life Takes Mystery," a headless elementary mascot is pictured next to the school information sign that reads, "Reward. Please return Clifford's head." In another, "Life Takes Participation," someone has scribbled on a stop sign to have it say, "Stop wishing and do."
Visa is the latest advertiser to turn to user-generated media for creative. In late 2004, Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners of Sausalito, Calif., created television spots from user-submitted videos for Converse. More recently, Kao ran a contest for Ban deodorant users to create a print ad.
AKQA also created a Web site for the push, www.lifetakesvisa.com, which features a series of floating snapshots that users can click on to watch several short videos showing themes like courage, teamwork and ambition.
--Brian Morrissey
(Souce: ADWEEK IQ Interactive, Feb. 21, 2006)



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