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Cadbury - Airport Trucks

Juan Cabral from Fallon London is probably one of the most well respected Creative Directors right now. After viral successes like Sony Bravia's "Balls", "Paint" and "Play Doh Rabbits" as well as Cadbury's "Drummer Gorilla" last year, one cannot help but wonder if it is possible to consistently create viral successes?
Last year, Cadbury's "Drummer Gorilla" spot created a huge buzz and turned out to be a true viral success with more than 10 million views on Youtube. Creating a follow-up to a success like that is not an easy task, but it seems like Fallon, with creative director Juan Cabral, has lived up to the task with the new Cadbury's ad "Airport trucks". It is still hard to tell if it will become as big a success as the previous clip for Cadbury's or the ones for Sony Bravia, but it has so far, after just about a week, generated a lot of buzz in the advertising industry, and hundreds of thousands of views around the Internet.
(Source: GoViral newsletter)



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